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Alcohol and Health

Alcohol Sweats 101

August 22, 2022
8 min read
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August 22, 2022
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Our bodies require cooling, and one of the most efficient processes for achieving this is through sweating-- something we don't always think of as pleasant. Sweat is 99 percent water and contains traces of salts and metabolic wastes, which are secreted onto our skin's surface to evaporate, taking heat away and cooling down the blood that flows beneath it. And if you are a regular drinker of alcohol, chances are you’re quite familiar with this bodily function.

If you’re already thinking about cutting back on drinking alcohol, you may not realize that cutting down your consumption will also help you sweat less-- reducing your body temperature naturally.

Night sweats and drinking too much

Night sweats are an annoying yet common occurrence in both men and women of all ages. Although the cause of night sweats can be linked to a condition or medication, they may also be the result of drinking too much alcohol. Fortunately, there are many simple changes that can help you cut back on alcohol consumption and reduce the likelihood of experiencing night sweats.

Asking yourself why you drink, tracking intake without judgement through the Reframe app, replacing drinks with activities like exercising or cooking, and identifying triggers that can lead to excessive drinking are just some ways people can successfully cut back on alcohol.

Night sweat causes

Night sweats can be caused by a range of factors:

  • perimenopause
  • menopause
  • low blood sugar
  • fever
  • certain medications
  • antidepressants
  • steroids

Despite the fact that night sweats are generally harmless, if you’re experiencing them frequently due to alcohol consumption, you may want to cut back on drinking alcohol. Drinking more than your body can process at one time can result in sudden withdrawal symptoms leading to night sweats.

Cutting back on alcohol consumption is necessary for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and decreasing your risk of night sweats. It’s important to understand how alcohol triggers night sweats so that you can cut back and reap the health benefits of drinking less. Drinking increases your heart rate and causes your blood vessels to expand, triggering perspiration.

Although perspiring will help cool down your body, it won’t expel alcohol from your system any faster. To cut back on drinking, try setting an alcohol limit for yourself before going out or replacing drinks with sparkling water or low-calorie mocktails. Knowing how to cut back on alcohol consumption so that you can reduce your risk of night sweats is beneficial not only for better mental and physical health but also for preventing future health problems.

If you've already cut back on drinking, symptoms of alcohol withdrawal could start to manifest. Some common symptoms include sweating, clammy skin, and night sweats. You may also experience anxiousness, depression, or changes in your mood. Along with those symptoms, nausea, shakiness, nightmares, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, headaches, loss of appetite and body aches may occur. Other possible symptoms related to alcohol withdrawal include restlessness, muscle pains and fever-like symptoms.

If you’re planning how to cut back on alcohol consumption, it's important to be familiar with these signs and symptoms so that they don't surprise you down the line.

Alcohol intolerance

People with alcohol intolerance may experience uncomfortable symptoms, including frequent night sweats, when drinking. This is due to a genetic mutation that prevents their body from producing enzymes that break down the toxins in alcohol. In addition, they may see facial redness, hives, worsening asthma, runny or stuffy nose, low blood pressure and other types of discomfort such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

If you have been experiencing night sweats as a result of alcohol intolerance, the best course of action is to cut back on alcohol consumption. This can range from having no drinks throughout the week but do on the weekends to cutting happy hour shorter, or simply switching to lighter beverages. Not able to cut out drinking entirely? That’s okay too - just limit the amount you consume so that your symptoms subside.


Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and replenish your body’s electrolytes by eating salty foods like pickles or crackers. If you wake up with night sweats, make sure to rinse off any dried sweat and keep your bedroom temperature at a comfortable level before heading back to bed without excess blankets. By doing these simple things, you can lower the impact of night sweats due to alcohol intolerance.

When you cut back on drinking, your body may experience withdrawal symptoms such as night sweats. These symptoms may be sudden and unexpected, making it difficult to stay committed to changing your relationship with alcohol. That's why it's important to track your drinking so you can monitor if any sudden, unusual symptoms appear. With the Reframe app, you receive easy-to-use guidelines that show you how to cut back on drinking and track your progress for a more positive lifestyle. This unique tool can help shape better habits when it comes to drinking less alcohol and understanding the side effects caused by overconsumption.

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