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Alcohol and Mental Health

How Does Perfectionism Impact Anxiety?

September 20, 2023
19 min read
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September 20, 2023
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Certified recovery coach specialized in helping everyone redefine their relationship with alcohol. His approach in coaching focuses on habit formation and addressing the stress in our lives.
September 20, 2023
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Recognized by Fortune and Fast Company as a top innovator shaping the future of health and known for his pivotal role in helping individuals change their relationship with alcohol.
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September 20, 2023
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The week's winding down, and it's time to celebrate. Friends decide on a happy hour, and you say yes. You're resolute: this time, you’re just having one drink. A few hours later, you've had more than you planned … again. You wake up with a pounding head, a tight knot of anxiety in your stomach, and the sinking feeling of “I've failed once more.” 

Sound familiar? Well, you're not alone. Thousands of people face the same struggle — wanting to change their drinking habits but finding it challenging, particularly when perfectionism and anxiety get in the way. But what is the link between perfectionism and anxiety? Is perfectionism a disorder? Let’s find out!

Perfectionism and Anxiety: What’s the Connection?

A person is covering his head with his hands due to being overwhelmed with work.

Perfectionism, often seen as a badge of honor, is frequently celebrated in our achievement-driven society. After all, what's so wrong about striving for excellence? The pursuit of an ideal seems commendable, but lurking beneath this glittering surface is a web of anxiety that can have far-reaching implications on mental health. Clinical studies suggest that perfectionism can be a significant risk factor for anxiety disorders. To understand how perfectionism fuels anxiety, it's essential to unravel the layers beneath these two intricately linked phenomena.

The Vicious Cycle: Never Good Enough

For many, perfectionism isn't merely a desire to do well; it's a relentless drive to meet excessively high, often unattainable standards. The very essence of perfectionism lies in its unyielding nature — the constant striving for improvement and the dissatisfaction that follows when these standards are not met. When every task becomes a measure of self-worth, the fear of failure looms large. The mind spirals into “what ifs” — what if I fail, what if I'm not good enough, what if people see through me? These “what ifs” form the bedrock of anxiety, setting the stage for a continuous cycle of fear and dread.

Social Perfectionism: Eyes Are Watching

The strain of perfectionism isn't limited to personal standards; it often extends to perceived social expectations. People believe that others expect them to be perfect, intensifying their fear of public failure or embarrassment. The dread of negative judgment amplifies anxiety. In extreme cases, it can lead to social anxiety disorders.

The Trap of Rumination and Procrastination

When striving for perfection, we often engage in excessive rumination, mulling over every detail to ensure nothing is less than perfect. This constant state of overthinking can trigger and exacerbate anxiety. The mind remains in a heightened state, accentuating stress and amplifying worry. Ironically, the desire for perfection often leads to procrastination: the fear of producing sub-par work makes it challenging to even begin a task, let alone complete it. The delay enhances anxiety, creating a loop that's hard to escape.

Health Consequences: Not Just in the Mind

The impact of this relationship between perfectionism and anxiety isn't limited to psychological stress. Studies show that chronic anxiety can have various detrimental effects on physical health, including increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. This correlation underlines the need to address the interplay between perfectionism and anxiety, not just for mental well-being but also for holistic health.

Anxiety and Perfectionism in Alcohol Reduction or Sobriety

In the quest to change our relationship with alcohol, the spotlight often shines on perfectionism as the motivational force behind our effort. While the zeal for excellence may be praiseworthy, there’s also a less-discussed side effect — heightened anxiety.

The Role of Neurotransmitters

When attempting a "dry month" or pursuing a long-term goal of sobriety, the brain's neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine come into play. These mood-regulating chemicals are already impacted by alcohol consumption, but they're further affected by a perfectionist's continual shifting of goalposts. As a result, the mismatch can fuel anxiety, making the road to reduced alcohol intake a bumpy one.

Conditional Self-Worth and Relapse Triggers

A perfectionist's notion of conditional self-worth is a significant stumbling block in alcohol reduction or cessation efforts. When our goals aren’t perfectly maintained, it's not just seen as a minor hiccup; it’s a catastrophic failure. This harsh self-judgment often triggers intense “perfectionism anxiety,” which, ironically, can make us more susceptible to breaking our own rules and indulging in a drink to calm our nerves.

The Illusion of Control

In the journey to reduce or quit alcohol, a perfectionist's insatiable need for control becomes a curse. When we drink more than intended, the feeling of losing this control can induce a wave of anxiety. This heightened state of emotional turmoil can cloud judgment and weaken resolve, further complicating efforts to stay the course.

Social Stigmas and Sobriety

Socially-prescribed perfectionism also plays its part in ramping up “perfection anxiety” when cutting back on or quitting alcohol. There's not just internal pressure; there’s also external pressure to meet societal expectations of sobriety. The fear of being judged for not perfectly adhering to alcohol restrictions can be debilitating, leading to heightened stress and making abstention even more challenging.

Rumination: A Loop of Anxiety and Cravings

Perfectionists are often chronic ruminators. When trying to quit or reduce alcohol, the perfectionist’s mind frequently rehashes past “failures” of overindulging, which provides a fertile ground for anxiety to flourish. This intense overthinking can trigger cravings, making it a significant hurdle in the path to drinking less (or not at all).

Health Consequences: A Double Whammy

Beyond the mental toll, the chronic stress of this perfectionism-anxiety loop also negatively impacts our physical health. Chronic stress (known to exacerbate issues like heart disease), combined with the health risks of alcohol, creates a dire situation that should not be overlooked.

Vicious Cycle: Anxiety Reinforces Perfectionism

Adding to the complexity is the fact that anxiety can actually intensify perfectionistic tendencies. The anxious mind craves control and seeks to mitigate feelings of uncertainty by setting even stricter rules, including those related to alcohol intake. This creates a self-perpetuating cycle, making both anxiety and the perfectionistic drive more challenging to manage.

The journey to reduce or quit alcohol consumption is fraught with challenges, but the intricate relationship between perfectionism and anxiety amplifies these hurdles. Being aware of this relationship is the first step in decoupling the detrimental duo, providing a smoother, less stressful path to achieving one's sobriety goals.

Perfectionism and Anxiety: Breaking Free

Once we’re aware of these tendencies, we can gradually address them. Through consistent action and self-compassion, we can break the cycle and stick to our goals with greater ease.

1. Set Realistic Goals

While the endgame may be a whole dry month or even lifelong sobriety, unrealistic goals can fuel perfectionist anxiety. Not meeting these goals can trigger stress, making it even more challenging to abstain from alcohol. 

The healthier approach here is incremental steps. Start with a simpler, more attainable target, like one alcohol-free day a week. Once that becomes manageable, scale it up to two days, then perhaps three. This gradual ramp-up not only makes the process less daunting but also provides frequent wins, releasing positive neurotransmitters like dopamine that can counteract anxiety. Each small success builds on the last, creating a positive feedback loop that is in sharp contrast to the negative cycle often perpetuated by perfectionism.

2. Track Your Progress

Here's where technology can lend a hand in your journey. Utilize journaling or specialized apps (like Reframe!) to monitor not just how much you drink, but also when and why. Consistent tracking can reveal patterns and triggers that might not be obvious otherwise. Maybe social events make abstaining challenging, or perhaps it’s stress at the end of a workday. 

Knowing these triggers allows you to develop personalized coping strategies. You might schedule an engaging, non-alcoholic activity during the times you’re most tempted to drink. This conscious approach turns tracking into a form of empowerment, giving you actionable insights to avoid pitfalls and reducing anxiety.

3. Drink Mindfully

Mindfulness has long been recognized for its efficacy in reducing anxiety and promoting emotional well-being. Applying these principles to drinking can be transformative. Every time you opt to have a drink, make it a conscious decision. Savor the taste, feel the liquid as it flows down your throat, and be keenly aware of its effects on your body. 

This heightened awareness serves multiple purposes. First, it slows the drinking process, making it easier to stop before crossing the limit. Additionally, it turns the act into a thoughtful ritual rather than a mindless habit, giving you an extra layer of control. Importantly, by focusing intently on the here and now, you also distract your mind from anxious or perfectionistic thoughts that might typically make you want to drink more.

4. Reward Yourself

The psychology behind reward is deeply ingrained in human behavior. Positive reinforcement works wonders in setting new habits and breaking old ones. So after achieving a milestone, like a week of reduced drinking or a month of sobriety, treat yourself to something enjoyable that doesn’t involve alcohol. It could be a luxurious spa day, a weekend getaway, or even a gadget you've had your eye on. 

Tangible rewards serve as powerful motivators, giving you a concrete reason to push through moments of temptation and anxiety. Plus, they create pleasurable associations with your achievements, making the process feel less like a series of obstacles and more like a rewarding journey.

5. Be Kind to Yourself

If perfectionism is a pinching pair of uncomfortable dress shoes, then self-compassion is your warmest, most comfortable slippers. Despite the best plans, not every day will unfold as you envisioned. On those days, instead of succumbing to the downward spiral of anxiety and self-blame, try a different approach — forgiveness

A 2013 study highlights how practicing self-compassion can dramatically reduce levels of anxiety. By acknowledging that setbacks are a normal part of any journey, you create a mental environment where failure is not an end but a bend in the road. This kinder outlook can make the process far more manageable and less anxiety-inducing, allowing you to get back on track more quickly.

6. Seek Support

When the road gets rough and perfectionistic anxieties increase, a robust support network can be a lifesaver. Whether it comes from friends, family, or organized support groups, the power of social support is empirically backed. 

Having someone to talk to, share concerns with, or even just hear us vent provides an emotional outlet that can significantly lessen anxiety. Moreover, knowing that you’re not alone can relieve the isolating feelings that often accompany the journey to sobriety or alcohol reduction.

7. Engage in Substitute Activities

Human brains aren’t wired to deal well in a vacuum. Remove one activity, like drinking, and the brain will seek to fill that void, often with thoughts that fuel perfectionism and anxiety. That’s when substitute activities come into play. When the urge to drink strikes, immediately engage in an alternative action. It could be something as simple as going for a walk or diving into a hobby like painting or playing an instrument. Even calling a friend can serve as an effective diversion. 

The goal is to divert your attention and energy away from the craving, giving you a fighting chance to stick to your commitment. This method also lessens anxiety by replacing a stress-inducing craving with a positive action.

By adopting these seven actionable steps, you build a comprehensive strategy that addresses both the perfectionism and the anxiety that complicate efforts to change your relationship with alcohol. It's a multi-faceted approach, ranging from tangible rewards and mental adjustments to social support and active distractions. While this may not make the journey entirely smooth, it equips you with a robust toolkit to handle the bumps, making your goal of changing your drinking habits more achievable and less anxiety-ridden.

Perfectionism and Anxiety: Final Thoughts

The journey to reduced alcohol intake or sobriety isn't a sprint; it's a marathon. And like any marathon, there will be ups and downs, but each step taken is a step closer to the finish line. By acknowledging the role that perfectionism and anxiety play, you are already halfway there. With a blend of self-compassion, realistic goals, and a robust support network, you're setting yourself up for healthier drinking habits and a life of increased well-being and lower anxiety.

Summary FAQs

1. How does perfectionism impact anxiety as we change our drinking habits?

Perfectionism can heighten anxiety, especially when setting unreasonably high goals for sobriety. This anxiety can, in turn, lead to the very behavior we are trying to avoid — excessive drinking.

2. Why is setting realistic goals beneficial?

Setting achievable milestones (like one alcohol-free day a week) can reduce the anxiety associated with aiming for perfection. These smaller steps create a positive feedback loop, helping to sustain motivation.

3. Why should I track my progress?

Monitoring your drinking habits reveals patterns and triggers that might be contributing to your anxiety or drinking behavior. Knowing your triggers allows you to develop coping strategies.

4. How does mindful drinking help?

Being fully aware of the experience of drinking — taste, sensation, and your own limits — can slow the drinking process and turn it into a conscious choice, reducing both intake and associated anxiety.

5. Why should I reward myself?

Positive reinforcement through non-alcoholic rewards can serve as powerful motivators. They create positive associations with milestones achieved, making the sobriety journey more enjoyable.

6. What role does self-compassion play in this process?

Self-compassion can dramatically reduce anxiety by fostering an attitude of forgiveness toward ourselves. Accepting that setbacks are normal makes the journey less stressful and more sustainable.

7. How beneficial are support networks and substitute activities?

Strong social support systems have been shown to help individuals stick to their sobriety goals by reducing feelings of isolation and anxiety. Engaging in alternative activities when a craving hits can also serve as an effective distraction, further reducing anxiety.

Boost Your Well-Being, Drink Less, and Thrive With Reframe!

Although it isn’t a treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD), the Reframe app can help you cut back on drinking gradually, with the science-backed knowledge to empower you 100% of the way. Our proven program has helped millions of people around the world drink less and live more. And we want to help you get there, too!

The Reframe app equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to not only survive drinking less, but to thrive while you navigate the journey. Our daily research-backed readings teach you the neuroscience of alcohol, and our in-app Toolkit provides the resources and activities you need to navigate each challenge.

You’ll meet millions of fellow Reframers in our 24/7 Forum chat and daily Zoom check-in meetings. Receive encouragement from people worldwide who know exactly what you’re going through! You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with our licensed Reframe coaches for more personalized guidance.

Plus, we’re always introducing new features to optimize your in-app experience. We recently launched our in-app chatbot, Melody, powered by the world’s most powerful AI technology. Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol.

And that’s not all! Every month, we launch fun challenges, like Dry/Damp January, Mental Health May, and Outdoorsy June. You won’t want to miss out on the chance to participate alongside fellow Reframers (or solo if that’s more your thing!).

The Reframe app is free for 7 days, so you don’t have anything to lose by trying it. Are you ready to feel empowered and discover life beyond alcohol? Then download our app through the App Store or Google Play today!

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