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Alcohol and Mental Health

What Is Unsolicited Advice?

September 13, 2023
18 min read
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September 13, 2023
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Certified recovery coach specialized in helping everyone redefine their relationship with alcohol. His approach in coaching focuses on habit formation and addressing the stress in our lives.
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Recognized by Fortune and Fast Company as a top innovator shaping the future of health and known for his pivotal role in helping individuals change their relationship with alcohol.
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September 13, 2023
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Mary's wrapping up her workweek with a newfound resolve to curb her alcohol consumption. To get her weekend started on a healthy note, she heads to her local farmer's market Saturday morning with a neighbor. She's perusing bunches of vibrant kale and crates of shiny apples when her eyes fall upon a refreshing bottle of artisanal sparkling water. As she reaches to grab it, her neighbor says, "Oh, you’re buying that? You know, it's just a crutch for quitting alcohol; you should try herbal tea instead." Mary freezes. She didn't ask for this advice, yet here it is, dropped into her day like an unwelcome guest.

Just like Mary, many people encounter unwarranted advice on a regular basis, especially when they're in the midst of lifestyle changes. This is particularly true when that change involves cutting back on or quitting alcohol. What is unsolicited advice, and why do people give unsolicited advice? And what do we do when that unsolicited advice is criticism? Let's explore the psychology behind the ubiquitous nature of unsolicited advice and offer some tips on how to navigate this often-unwanted territory.

What Is Unsolicited Advice?

Unsolicited advice is guidance or recommendations provided without being expressly asked for by the recipient. It’s an ubiquitous social phenomenon that many  encounter in various aspects of life, whether it's about career choices, relationships, or personal habits like quitting or cutting back on alcohol.

While the “unasked-for” advice may be offered with good intentions, it often becomes a source of stress or annoyance for the person receiving it.

What Is Unsolicited Advice? Delving Into the Psychology

Unwanted advice is a cultural mainstay, often becoming particularly pervasive when we make a lifestyle shift — like cutting back on alcohol or quitting altogether. But what are the psychological gears turning behind this behavior? Understanding the motivations and mechanisms can not only make the experience less frustrating but also inform strategies to navigate it more effectively.

The Dopamine Factor: Helping as a Biological Reward

The human brain has a built-in "reward system" that secretes dopamine, a neurotransmitter often associated with feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. This release happens in various situations, from eating a delicious meal to having a romantic encounter, and yes — even when giving advice.

A 2004 study by Decety and Jackson found that helping others triggers this dopamine release, lighting up the same areas of the brain that respond to physical rewards like food or money. This chemical kick might be one reason why people are so prone to offering unsolicited advice. When someone gives advice, they may subconsciously believe they are helping, which results in a feel-good dopamine surge. This internal reward system, honed by evolution to foster social cooperation, could be at least partly responsible for the pervasive phenomenon of unsolicited advice.

Cognitive Dissonance: When a Friend's Change Triggers Self-Reflection

Another psychological principle at play is cognitive dissonance — a term coined by psychologist Leon Festinger in 1957. Cognitive dissonance describes the mental discomfort that occurs when someone's actions or beliefs conflict with their existing perceptions. For instance, if a person has been drinking alcohol socially for years and suddenly a close friend decides to quit, this new behavior could induce cognitive dissonance.

The friend's decision to stop drinking might act as a mirror, causing the other person to reflect on their own alcohol consumption habits. If this reflection clashes with their self-perception — say, as someone who has their drinking "under control" — a sense of mental discomfort arises. One way to alleviate this discomfort is by justifying one's own behavior, and this is where unsolicited advice often comes into play. By advising the friend on why quitting might be unnecessary or suggesting alternative approaches, individuals not only attempt to affirm their own choices but also alleviate the cognitive dissonance they’re experiencing.

The Social Dynamics: Group Norms and Identity

Further complicating the picture is the social fabric in which these interactions occur. Social norms and group identity play a significant role in influencing behavior, including the giving of advice. When someone decides to quit drinking or cut back, it might challenge the norms of their social circle, particularly if alcohol consumption is a significant group activity. This divergence can trigger a kind of “identity crisis” within the group, prompting advice as a way to preserve the status quo.

Defensive Advice-Giving: A Barrier to Vulnerability

At times, unsolicited advice can act as a defense mechanism. Opening up about a personal decision to quit drinking or cut back can create a moment of vulnerability. For those not comfortable with such emotional openness, the default response may be to shield themselves by jumping into problem-solving mode — thus, the unsolicited advice. It allows the advice-giver to feel as though they're contributing without necessarily having to engage emotionally.

Projection and Transference: Seeing Oneself in Others

Psychology also talks about mechanisms like projection and transference, in which people unconsciously transfer their own beliefs or emotions onto someone else. When we choose to quit drinking or cut back, it might ignite unresolved issues or suppressed desires in those around us. Offering advice then becomes a way to address their own issues indirectly.

How To Cope With Unsolicited Advice

So what can be done when you find yourself on the receiving end of well-intentioned but ultimately unwarranted advice, especially when that unsolicited advice is criticism?

1. Script Your Response in Advance

Crafting a prepared statement to respond to unsolicited advice can act like a shield, granting the freedom to navigate social situations more effortlessly. A well-phrased, polite response can serve multiple purposes. First, it can defuse a potentially tense moment, steering the conversation into neutral territory. Second, it sets a boundary, subtly conveying that while advice may be well-intended, it's not necessarily welcome in that context. Lastly, having a ready response alleviates the mental load of thinking on the spot, thus reducing stress.

While the phrasing can vary according to personal comfort levels and the nature of the relationship, something like, "I appreciate your thoughts, but I'm comfortable with my current approach," works well. It acknowledges the advice-giver's intention but also firmly states a personal stance, all without being confrontational.

2. Limit Disclosure

Choosing to cut back on alcohol or quit altogether is a personal decision and sharing it broadly might open the floodgates of unsolicited advice. Therefore, it's prudent to be selective in whom we confide. This strategy might seem counterintuitive, especially in a society that often promotes openness as a virtue. However, during the initial stages of a lifestyle change, maintaining a close circle of confidants can offer a buffer against the external noise of too many opinions.

In essence, limiting disclosure helps control the narrative. The fewer people who know, the less we have to manage the influx of advice, leaving more mental energy to focus on the task at hand: changing our drinking habits. Over time, as confidence and self-assurance build, widening the circle of people in the know becomes easier and less fraught with potential complications.

3. Be the "Question Master"

Being on the receiving end of unsolicited advice often places us in a reactive position. However, flipping the script by asking a follow-up question can effectively turn the tables. A question like, "Oh, what makes you say that?" serves a dual purpose. On one hand, it requires the advice-giver to pause and consider the reasoning behind their counsel. This moment of reflection often leads people to scrutinize their own advice more critically, which might result in a more nuanced conversation or even retracting the advice altogether.

On the other hand, posing a question moves the focus away from defending personal choices, instead redirecting it toward the advice-giver's thought process. This can be an empowering shift, providing a sense of control over the conversation's direction.

Employing the "Question Master" strategy not only elevates the level of dialogue but also introduces a layer of accountability into the exchange. It's a gentle but effective way to reclaim conversational agency while encouraging others to think before they offer more unsolicited advice.

4. Set Digital Boundaries

In an era where scrolling through social media feeds is part of the daily routine, digital spaces can become a breeding ground for unsolicited advice. People often feel emboldened behind a screen to offer opinions on matters ranging from diet to lifestyle changes, like cutting back on alcohol or quitting completely. Establishing digital boundaries is, therefore, not just a luxury but a necessity.

Customizing privacy settings to control who can see posts or updates is a proactive step in managing the digital environment. Even more direct is the action of muting or unfollowing individuals who persist in offering unsolicited advice. This decision need not be perceived as hostile but rather as an act of self-preservation. The social media experience is largely user-curated, so taking control of that environment is both empowering and mentally refreshing.

5. Utilize Support Groups

Support groups, either online or in-person, are invaluable resources for individuals navigating life changes. These groups function as safe havens, offering an escape from the constant bombardment of unsolicited advice. What's more, they provide pragmatic coping strategies and emotional support from peers undergoing similar experiences.

The unique benefit of a support group is that it combines shared experience with collective wisdom. The atmosphere is one of mutual respect, where advice is given only when sought, and individual choices are honored. In such an affirming space, the focus can remain where it should be — on personal progress and well-being. If you’re looking for support groups, check out the several that are currently available through the Reframe Forum!

6. Consult Credible Sources

In a world awash with information, equipping ourselves with verified, credible data is akin to carrying a shield in a battlefield of opinions. When the subject is something as personal and consequential as changing our drinking habits, the value of accurate information cannot be overstated.

Reading up on scientific studies, consulting healthcare professionals, or even using validated resources (like Reframe!) can provide the knowledge needed to discern between well-meaning but misguided advice and truly helpful guidance. When confronted with unsolicited advice, having a strong foundational knowledge allows for confident decision-making, essentially reinforcing that the chosen path is both informed and deliberate.

Navigating the complexities of lifestyle changes, particularly when it involves a sensitive topic like alcohol, can be overwhelming. However, taking a multi-pronged approach — digital boundaries, social comparison, support groups, and credible information — provides a robust toolkit for maneuvering through the landscape of unsolicited advice. With these strategies, the journey toward healthier habits can remain focused, empowered, and, most importantly, self-directed.

A Future Full of Choices

Mary, back at the farmer’s market, has a choice. She could heed the unsolicited advice or stick to her original plan. Similarly, when faced with unsolicited advice about alcohol, each of us holds the power to choose our response. And as it turns out, that response might just involve saying, “Thanks, but I’ve got it covered.”

Remember: unsolicited advice often comes from a place of care, even if it misses the mark. But armed with these actionable steps, navigating the world of unasked-for counsel becomes less of a minefield and more of an opportunity for growth.

Summary FAQs

1. Why do people give unsolicited advice, especially when it comes to changing drinking habits?

The psychology behind unsolicited advice is multi-faceted. The brain's reward system releases dopamine when we help others, making advice-giving feel good. Additionally, cognitive dissonance plays a role, especially among friends and family who may be unsettled by our lifestyle changes.

2. What is a good, polite response to unsolicited advice?

A prepared statement like, "I appreciate your thoughts, but I'm comfortable with my current approach," can be both polite and effective.

3. Should I tell everyone about my decision to cut back on or quit alcohol?

Limiting disclosure can be beneficial, especially in the beginning. The fewer people you tell, the fewer potential unsolicited advisors you'll have to deal with.

4. How can I handle unsolicited advice on social media?

Customize your privacy settings and don't hesitate to mute or unfollow people who frequently offer unsolicited advice.

5. Are support groups helpful for dealing with unsolicited advice?

Yes, support groups provide a respectful space where advice is given only when asked for, offering valuable coping strategies and emotional support.

6. Where should I get my information when making lifestyle changes?

Always consult credible sources for information. Scientific studies, healthcare professionals, and verified resources like Reframe can help you wade through the sea of unsolicited advice confidently.

Live Well and Thrive With Reframe!

Although it isn’t a treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD), the Reframe app can help you cut back on drinking gradually, with the science-backed knowledge to empower you 100% of the way. Our proven program has helped millions of people around the world drink less and live more. And we want to help you get there, too!

The Reframe app equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to not only survive drinking less, but to thrive while you navigate the journey. Our daily research-backed readings teach you the neuroscience of alcohol, and our in-app Toolkit provides the resources and activities you need to navigate each challenge.

You’ll meet millions of fellow Reframers in our 24/7 Forum chat and daily Zoom check-in meetings. Receive encouragement from people worldwide who know exactly what you’re going through! You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with our licensed Reframe coaches for more personalized guidance.

Plus, we’re always introducing new features to optimize your in-app experience. We recently launched our in-app chatbot, Melody, powered by the world’s most powerful AI technology. Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol.

And that’s not all! Every month, we launch fun challenges, like Dry/Damp January, Mental Health May, and Outdoorsy June. You won’t want to miss out on the chance to participate alongside fellow Reframers (or solo if that’s more your thing!).

The Reframe app is free for 7 days, so you don’t have anything to lose by trying it. Are you ready to feel empowered and discover life beyond alcohol? Then download our app through the App Store or Google Play today!

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